Archive: Grant

  • Grant

    Dr. Elissa Newport awarded NIH R01 grant for Statistical Learning

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  • Grant

    Dr. Alexander Dromerick and Dr. Barbara Bregman awarded 5 year, $3.5 million NIH K12 grant

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  • Grant

    Dr. Peter Turkeltaub awarded NIH (NIDCD) R01 grant for contributions of spared brain structures and connections to aphasia recovery

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  • Grant

    Dr. Anna Greenwald awarded a Pilot Research Project grant from the Georgetown University Medical Center for recovery after right brain stroke

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  • Grant

    Dr. Elissa Newport awarded American Heart Association grant for language, neural reorganization, and functional outcomes after perinatal stroke

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  • Grant

    Dr. Matthew Edwardson awarded KL2 grant from the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science for investigations into the biology of stroke recovery using a blood biom

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  • Grant

    Dr. Peter Turkeltaub awarded NIH R21 grant

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  • Grant

    Dr. Anna Greenwald awarded KL2 grant from the Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science for investigations into the impact of right-hemisphere stroke on functional

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  • Grant

    Dr. Matthew Edwardson awarded a Georgetown Partner’s in Research grant for his Biomarkers of Stroke Recovery Study

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  • Grant

    Dr. Elissa Newport awarded a K18 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIDCD)

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