Archive: Grant
Dr. Anna Greenwald awarded 5 year NICHD R01 grant for Visuospatial deficits after stroke: Towards better classification, diagnostics, and rehabilitation
Dr. Peter Turkeltaub awarded 5 year NICHD T32 training grant titled Georgetown University Brain and Language Training Program
Dr. Andrew DeMarco awarded 5 year K99/R00 NIH grant for research on functional anomaly mapping of aphasia recovery
Dr. Matthew Edwardson receives 2 year biomarker discovery grant from NIH to study plasma microRNA biomarkers to guide rehabilitation therapy after stroke
Dr. Suzanne Groah, PI, and Dr. Barbara Bregman, Co-PI, awarded 5year, $ 4 million NIDILRR grant to establish a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) at MedStar NRH
Dr. Elissa Newport awarded 5 year, $3 million NIH grant to study language and cognitive processing after perinatal stroke
Dr. Peter Lum awarded a NIDILRR Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center grant. Much of the work will be done at MedStar NRH, and involve CBPR members Drs. Alexander Dromerick MD, Barbara Bregman P
Dr. Anna Greenwald awarded 2 year NICHHD R21 grant for Rehabilitation for emotion recognition impairments after stroke: building a scientific basis
Dr. Alexander Dromerick receives award from NINDS for the Stroke Central Atlantic Network for Research, a StrokeNet Regional Coordinating Center
Dr. M. Carter Denny receives 2018 MedStar New Investigator grant