Peter S. Lum, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Biomedical Engineering, Catholic University of America
Dr. Lum directs the Center for Applied Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Research in the MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital. He is the Director of RERC-DC, a NIDILRR-funded Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center based at Catholic University and focused on mobile technologies for assessment and treatment of motor impairment in individuals with neurologic injury. He is also a Research Health Scientist at the Washington DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Dr. Lum’s area of study is the application of engineering tools toward development of interventions to aid rehabilitation after neurological injury. He is currently developing robotic devices for hand function, studying motor learning and performance limitations in amputee populations, and continuing work in telerehabilitation technologies.
PhD, Bioengineering, University of California at Berkeley and San Francisco
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